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The Department of Botany is an academic unit dedicated to the scientific study of plants, fungi, and algae. It focuses on understanding plant structure, function, diversity, and their role in the environment. The department plays a vital role in research, education, and the application of plant sciences in agriculture, medicine, biotechnology, and conservation.
12 Students actively participated one day National Level Conference Organized by Sacred Heart College.
10 Students actively participated one day National Level Seminar Organized by Morappur Kongu College of Arts & Science.
10 Students actively participated two day International conference, Organized by Sri Vidya Mandir College of Arts & Science.
P.Snekha - University 2nd Rank
S.No | Name of The Staff |
1 | Mr.T.Manikandan |
2 | Miss.C.Kurunchi Malar |
Attempt is to prepare students for lifelong learning by drawing attention to the vast world of knowledge of plants and introducing to the methodology of science enquiry . with this in mind we aim to provide a firm foundation in every aspect of Botany and to explain a broad spectrum of modern trends in Botany .
To know the importance and scope of Botany.
To impart knowledge of science as the basic objective of education.
To develop a scientific attitude to make students open minded critical and curious.
To expose themselves to the diversity amongst life forms.
To make aware of natural resources and environment and the importance of conversing it.
The Department of Zoology is an academic division dedicated to the scientific study of animals, their biology, behavior, classification, evolution, and interactions with the environment. Zoology is a crucial field within biological sciences, contributing to wildlife conservation, medical research, and ecological sustainability.
9 Students participated one Day, National Level Conference Organized by Sacred Heart College.
Our department organized one day science exhibition held at 10.02.2020.
Our department organized seminar about wildlife conservation held at 13.01.2021.
10 Students actively participated one day National Level Conference Organized by Sacred Heart College.
20 Students actively participated one day National Level Seminar Organized by Morappur Kongu College of Arts & Science.
21 Students actively participated two day International conference, Organized by Sri Vidya Mandir College of Arts & Science.
V.Sumithra – University 5nd Rank
K.Deepika - University 8nd Rank
P.Jeevitha – University 8nd Rank
S.No | Name of The Staff |
1 | M.Gubendiran |
2 | P.Thanigai |
3 | M.V.K.Hariprasath |
4 | K.Deepika |