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Department of Physical Science

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Department of Physics:


"Unravel the mysteries of the universe with B.Sc. Physics."

About the Department

Department of Physics was started in 2018. The Department of Physics is working with the objective of stimulating the interest of the rural poor students in pursuing higher education and research. A well-designed physics department lab helps students to understand the scientific concepts taught in the classroom through practice and further enhance their learning. Science Innovation Club provides a unique platform for students to express their creativity and share innovative information with students. Apart from the traditional method of board teaching, students' interest in the subject is encouraged by using power point presentations on LCD projector.

National Level Conference

  • 14 Students participated one day, National Science program Attended at colleitorate. Hrupattur.

  • 6 on February 22, 2021 Students Actively participated, wvational level conference organized by sacred Heart college

  • 10 Students Actively participated, National level conference organized by "Adhiyaman arts & science vollege.

Scope of the Department

The Department of Physics provides primary knowledge for the scientific advancement of both research and technology. The development of nanotechnology is a perfect example of the progress of this field, the field of physics has contributed a lot to the society like space, media, computer, medicine, astronomy, geology, nuclear. Developments in the field of medicine such as x-rays, laser therapy and scans are also driven by physics.

Teaching Staffs:

S.No Name of The Staff
1 Mrs.K.Manga
2 Mrs. K. Vasanthi

Department of Mathematics:


"Solve the mysteries of the universe with B.Sc. Mathematics."

About the Department

Department of Mathematics was Started in 2018. The Department by Mathematics is Working with the objective af stimulating the interest of the rural Poor Students in pursuing higher education and research. Apart from the traditional method of board teaching. Students interest in the Subject is encouraged by using Power point. Presentations on LCD projector.


  • 10 Students Actively participatoof National level conference organi zad by Adiyaman arts and science college.

Scope af Mathematics:

Mathematics affers a wide range of Career Opportunities in India The Mathematics career involves Various. Job opportunities for graduates such as Statistician, Actuary, Data Analyst Quantitative Analyst, Financial Analyst etc., Mathematics as a Universal language.

Rank Holder

  • A.Agila 9th Rank

Teaching Staffs:

S.No Name of The Staff
1 A.Divya
2 R.Kowsalya
3 S.Sindhuja
4 A.Thangamani

Department of Chemistry:


"Master the science of substances with B.Sc. Chemistry."

About the Department

The Chemistry department is a part of the college of science, established in 2018. Chemistry department serves the purpose of importing knowledge in the core science subject, which is a foundational building block for most engineering discipline. This department has rich tradition of imparting high-quality teaching. Chemistry is basic in the studies of medicine, biology and technology. The students are monitored and evaluated by regular class tests, seminars, assignments, and examinations. We are proud that our collective enthusiasm is continuously generating a good number of bright students.

National Level Conference

  • 30 Students Participated Two Days, National Level Conference Organized by Adhiyaman Arts & Science College.

  • 24 Students Actively Participated Inter College ,National Level Conference Organized by Sacred Heart College.

  • 13 Students Actively participated Inter College one day National Level Seminar Organized by Morappur Kongu College of Arts & Science

Rank Holder

  • M.Abinaya - University 2nd Rank

  • P.Sangeetha – University 5th Rank

  • P.Nandhini – University 5th Rank

  • P.Sneha- University 4th Rank

Teaching Staffs:

S.No Name of The Staff
1 S.Amutha
2 N.Praveena
3 R.Mogana
4 D.Manivannan
5 S.Thambidurai